Welcome to AGAP International

The Association of Graduates in Analytical Psychology Zurich




IAAP Council of Societies & Meeting of European Presidents

Being a member of the IAAP, AGAP attends the Council of Societies (CoS)—to which all IAAP Groups are invited—to discuss IAAP matters and approve the agenda for the forthcoming IAAP Meeting of Delegates. At the CoS, as well as at the IAAP-sponsored Meeting of European Presidents, our delegates represent AGAP’s voice in business matters, and they maintain relations with other IAAP Groups from around the world.    

Council of North American Societies of Jungian Analysts

AGAP is an extraordinary member of CNASJA, which holds two meetings each year. At these venues, our attending delegates maintain AGAP’s relations with IAAP Groups in North America and represent AGAP’s voice in that region.  

C.G. Jung Institute Zürich, Küsnacht

In 1948, Jung himself cooperated with others to found the C.G. Jung Institute Zürich (CGJI). AGAP’s ties to CGJI endure, owing primarily to the reality that our association’s founders and the majority of today’s AGAP analysts were trained there. But there is more: Shortly after AGAP’s 1954 founding, the analysts based in Switzerland in 1957 founded the Swiss national IAAP Group, Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Analytische Psychologie (SGAP). Among the results was that, for many years, analysts from AGAP and SGAP constituted CGJI’s leadership and the core training body. Until 2016, when CGJI itself became an IAAP Group Member, it was also thanks to the backing of AGAP and SGAP that the graduates obtained membership in these two associations, and along with it, immediate pathways to membership in the IAAP.  

Much water has gone under the bridge since the years of conflict at CGJI led to the “Zürich split,” failed mediation, and AGAP’s subsequent founding of ISAPZURICH in 2004—with a substantial number of AGAP analysts remaining at CGJI. Regular bi-lateral meetings held from 2007-2013 hoped to bridge the divide. Despite some encouraging results, mutually agreeable resolution escaped us. Therefore, desiring rapprochement, in 2015 the AGAP General Assembly cast a straw vote in favor of supporting CGJI’s IAAP membership application. At the IAAP Meeting of Delegates in Kyoto, 2016, AGAP’s “yes” contributed substantially to the application’s final approval. For this gesture, CGJI’s president and its director of studies expressed gratitude to AGAP analysts who were present at the venue.

In January 2017, the CGJI president and AGAP co-presidents met informally in Zürich, to discuss how our two groups might go forward together. They agreed to suspend joint meetings for now—but to communicate and to support one another, in so far as possible. In this spirit: In 2014, CGJI lifted the rule enforced in 2004, which had barred its accredited analysts’ work with “competing institutes.” It has taken some time since then, but gradually, a few CGJI analysts have begun working at ISAP, while several ISAP analysts have resumed work at CGJI again. Last but not least: as per January 2017, the Curatorium revived the custom of sending its international graduates’ names to the ExCo, for the purpose of membership invitation. Finally, activities that have continued without interruption are still sustained, e.g.:

  • AGAP welcomes CGJI graduates’ membership applications.
  • AGAP elicits members’ donations stipulated for the CGJI Student Fund.
  • Through its analysts at ISAPZURICH, AGAP works with CGJI to jointly organize and co-sponsor the annual C.G. Jung memorial celebration in Zürich.

Psychology Club Zürich · Founded by C.G. Jung, 1916

A number of AGAP analysts are members of the historical Psychology Club Zürich. Founded by C.G. Jung and others in 1916, the Club is still housed at Gemeindestrasse, where Jung maintained his practice until moving it to Küsnacht. Here, too, the C.G. Jung Institute Zürich was housed for 30 years, from the time of its founding in 1948. Today the Club offers regular lectures every two weeks, mostly in German, and a on-going seminar on Alchemy that has been taking place for more than 10 years. In its work and endeavors, the Psychology Club aspires to remain aligned to the autonomous psyche according to the Analytical Psychology of C.G. Jung.  

JITZ Jungian International Training Zurich

In 2008, a group of AGAP analysts founded the US-based, tax-exempt foundation, Jungian International Training Zurich (JITZ), with the mission of supporting full-time analytic training in Zürich. JITZ shares the conviction that the type of training and deep psychological formation offered at ISAPZURICH is even more important today and for tomorrow than it has been in the past. JITZ is grateful for donations and bequeathments for this purpose at any time of year. Its annual year-end fund drive has been supplemented thus far by matching grants from another foundation. As part of its fund-raising effort, JITZ hosts distinguished guest speakers at its recurring continuing education event under the rubric, “Civilization in Transition.” More about JITZ.